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Sijainnit: Los Angeles - Del Rey, California, United States of America 
Roolin tunnus
Työntekijän tyyppi
Regular Employee
Joustava työjärjestely

Kuvaus ja vaatimukset

Electronic Arts luo seuraavan tason viihdekokemuksia, jotka inspiroivat pelaajia ja faneja ympäri maailmaa. Täällä kaikki ovat osa tarinaa. Osa yhteisöä, joka muodostaa yhteyksiä kaikkialla maailmassa. Paikka, jossa luovuus kukoistaa, uudet näkökulmat ovat tervetulleita ja ideoilla on merkitystä. Tiimi, jossa kaikki osallistuvat pelaamisen tekemiseen mahdolliseksi.

We are looking for a brand builder with sports marketing expertise for a global leadership position with responsibility for growing and marketing the EA SPORTS brand. As a necessary pillar of our long-term growth strategy for EA SPORTS, we are expanding our leadership through new products and experiences, new partnerships, new culture-driving programs, grassroots participation, and athlete engagement.  This role is for a collaborative leader to shape our EA SPORTS hero brand plan, build and manage a team to execute on projects including through EA SPORTS brand storytelling, collaborations and sponsorships, athlete programs like GEN / EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS.  Present events and lifestyle brand activations and more and bring a focus on impact.

You will report to the VP of EA SPORTS Marketing, Partnerships & Communications.  You have a strategic mindset, great creative ideas, and a deep bias to action.  You will work across other EA SPORTS and enterprise functions, including communications, publishing, franchise strategy & marketing, as well as our EA Ventures and Experiences organizations, and external partners. We’re looking for someone that can distill qualitative and quantitative insights and knowledge of the sports & entertainment environment into actionable strategy, make decisions quickly, and execute integrated brand marketing campaigns against clear objectives and KPIs.


  • You will operate as a vocal and visible leader representing the EA SPORTS brand across the company, driving and refining our plan for actioning brand opportunities in service of EA SPORTS strategic growth goals.

  • You will be the connective glue for strategic brand storytelling using consumer insights, data, media and brand marketing.  Daily management and implementation of our brand framework through brand activation, marketing and communications support, brand partnerships and sponsorships, athlete marketing & engagement, community engagement and more.

  • You will drive the development and execution of brand initiatives including developing briefs; provide inspiration, clarity & strategic input to internal and external partners; identify and collaborate with teams across the organization on important workstreams; build bridges and drive decisions across cross-functional teams to get the best ideas and results and writing and sharing progress updates and recaps to leaders.

  • You will seek fresh, new opportunities around and beyond our games to accelerate and push the EA SPORTS brand into breakthrough spaces relevant to our consumer, industry and athlete audiences - developing clear briefs, understanding success metrics and results and creating feedback loops for timely iterations and alignment.

  • You will put our brand in a position to influence and push sports culture forward through brand and aligned portfolio level programs to build fan connection to EA SPORTS - making EA SPORTS the first choice in sports fandom.

  • You will build and develop a multi-faceted and diverse team, defining the necessary capabilities to execute and drive talent management to ensure capabilities in our team match the needs.

  • Financial planning and management of our strategic brand investments and activation budgets.

Expected Business Growth & Leadership Behaviors for Success

  • You will take initiative to drive innovation, challenging conventions and norms, and pursuing novel solutions that build EA SPORTS category and industry leadership.

  • You will drive value with a focus on impact, maintaining focus on delivering positive and measurable growth in brand salience, image and affinity, and leading through complex operational environments to get things off the page with maximum focus, energy, and speed.

  • You will join forces to collaborate, fostering trusted relationships with with important stakeholders and multiple levels of the organization, navigating areas of ambiguity, and operating with a worldview that can balance new initiatives with long-term strategic goals.


  • You have 10+ years of experience operating in brand marketing & management or related functions, within the sports and entertainment industry.

  • You have experience building and leading high performing teams, people management and development.

  • You can drive change across your own team and partner teams based on clear vision and operationalizing a brand platform/framework.

  • You can present and communicate clearly and with conviction across a matrix organization and at the executive level.

  • You can influence senior leaders across the organization, including marketing, communications, business development, creative, publishing, legal, finance, and studio (game development) leaders.

  • You have experience working with brand, creative, insights and studio teams to deliver strategies with clear objectives,innovative executions, and measurable outcomes with clear impact to brand equity and business value.

  • You have experience working with, selecting and driving agency and creative partners to support projects and executions.

  • You have experience working and driving programs around top-tier athletes.

  • You can be flexible and adaptable and change course to meet our needs.

  • Financial skills - experience as an accountable leader with budget responsibility and deliver while maximizing resources.

  • Curious, self-starter, collaborator, with a focus on execution and impact.

Tietoja Electronic Artsista
Olemme ylpeitä siitä, että meillä on kattava portfolio pelejä ja kokemuksia, toimipaikkoja ympäri maailmaa ja mahdollisuuksia kaikkialla EA:lla. Arvostamme sopeutumiskykyä, sitkeyttä, luovuutta ja uteliaisuutta. Johtaminen, joka tuo potentiaalisi esiin, ja tilan luominen oppimiselle ja kokeilemiselle antavat sinulle mahdollisuuden tehdä hyvää työtä ja etsiä mahdollisuuksia kasvaa.

Käytämme kokonaisvaltaista lähestymistapaa etuohjelmassamme keskittyen fyysiseen, emotionaaliseen, taloudelliseen, uran ja yhteisön hyvinvointiin ja tuemme tasapainoista elämää palkallisella vapaa-ajalla ja uudella vanhempainvapaalla sekä ilmaisilla peleillä ja todella monella muulla kohteella. Vaalimme ympäristöjä, joissa tiimimme voivat aina tehdä parasta työtään, mitä tahansa he tekevätkin.

Electronic Arts on yhdenvertaisten mahdollisuuksien työpaikka. Kaikki työllistämiseen liittyvät päätökset tehdään liittymättä rotuun, ihonväriin, kansalliseen alkuperään, syntyperään, sukupuoleen, sukupuoli-identiteettiin tai sukupuolen ilmaisuun, seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, ikään, geneettisiin tietoihin, uskontoon, vammaan, terveydentilaan, raskauteen, siviilisäätyyn, perhestatukseen, veteraanistatukseen tai mihinkään muuhun lain suojaamaan ominaisuuteen. Otamme huomioon myös rikosrekisterin omaavat pätevät työnhakijat lain edellyttämällä tavalla. EA tekee myös työpaikan mukautuksia päteville vammaisille henkilöille sovellettavan lain edellyttämällä tavalla.