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Sijainnit: Hyderabad, Telangana, India 
Roolin tunnus
Työntekijän tyyppi
Regular Employee
World Wide Customer Experience
Joustava työjärjestely
Off Site

Kuvaus ja vaatimukset

Electronic Arts luo seuraavan tason viihdekokemuksia, jotka inspiroivat pelaajia ja faneja ympäri maailmaa. Täällä kaikki ovat osa tarinaa. Osa yhteisöä, joka muodostaa yhteyksiä kaikkialla maailmassa. Paikka, jossa luovuus kukoistaa, uudet näkökulmat ovat tervetulleita ja ideoilla on merkitystä. Tiimi, jossa kaikki osallistuvat pelaamisen tekemiseen mahdolliseksi.

Product Manager - Moderation & Automation

You’re the Product Manager - Moderation & Automation

You are part of EA’s Fan Care organization that strives to make EA known for taking care of fans. You

are responsible for leading a product portfolio to both improve existing and develop new fan

experiences. You lead product planning and execution throughout the product lifecycle to ensure our

Community Moderation & Care offerings support the overall strategy and goals of EA. You’ll collaborate

with a variety of stakeholders to design and create the products in your portfolio. You will gain insights

from studios and other organizations that influence your product roadmap.

You’re here to transform the Community Moderation & Care experience for EA. You will research and

understand gaming industry moderation & safety trends to understand fan moderation expectations

and community safety needs. You will develop a product strategy to deliver the moderation & safety

vision using experience design to define the vision, strategy, and multiyear roadmap. You will oversee

the strategy and product implementation with cross-functional teams including studio, player safety,

and operational execution teams. You will perform product management activities, including budget

management, KPI performance tracking, and fiscal year planning. You will gather insights and analyze

information from within EA and its partner studios to measure product success and mitigate issues or

risks. You’ll continue to manage and update your product portfolio roadmap for improvements and

future releases .

You’ll work with internal stakeholders to understand how to improve or enhance our utilization of

automation and new technology. You’ll get insight from external stakeholders to understand how to

help EA achieve our goals and exceed fan expectations. You will prioritize features or releases to ensure

we meet our short-term objectives while moving towards the long-term product vision. You are the go-

to person for any issues or escalation within your product portfolio.

You are an expert product manager and great at business analysis, problem solving, and effective

communication. You are constantly assessing the current and future trends of fan communities and the

gaming and interactive entertainment industries. You balance long-term strategy work with day-to-day

tasks. You are successful at leading complex cross-functional teams and might have experience with

people management. You report to the Director of Product Management - Community Moderation &


A typical day in the life of the Product Manager:

● Product management

o Research and share fan community and gaming trends

o Contribute new and creative ideas accounting for trends in the gaming space

o Create and articulate product portfolio vision, roadmaps, features, user stories, and

acceptance criteria for a suite of products

o Work with Director of Product Management to align on product strategy, budget and

desired outcomes

o Prepare product marketing collateral to share with internal and external stakeholders

o Define and track measurable success criteria and metrics, including business KPIs

o Oversee product development by leading cross-functional teams of architects and


o Answer/clarify questions from stakeholders

o Understand the use cases of the product line and how changes impacts the fan, the Fan

Care organization, Studios, or EA

o Continually improve processes, documentation, and communications

● Stakeholder management and communication

o Communicate product line strategy to senior leadership to ensure the roadmap is aligned

to the long term vision and coordinate proper resourcing and funding

o Lead relationships with vendors, internal partners, and stakeholders, ensuring needs

and concerns are considered and addressed in a timely and informed manner

o Evangelize product benefits to all internal and external stakeholders

o Gather player and internal feedback to drive improvements and inform product roadmap


o Complete planned initiatives in a complex business environment with shifting

stakeholder needs and timelines

You need to be known for:

● Being a great problem solver - You are analytical, have an attention to detail, a critical

thinker and use a logical approach to solving problems.

● Excellent communication - You prioritize communication and work hard to ensure people

know what’s going on, what’s changing, and what the future holds. You are great at written and

verbal communication and can articulate complex issues. You have good executive presence and

are able to facilitate meetings with your team and other stakeholders. You are able to

communicate to influence others and motivate action.

● Successfully managing a complete product lifecycle (ideation, roadmaps, overseeing

development, future releases, deprecation, etc.)

● Strong project management skills - you understand many approaches and lead project

managers to support your teams effectively

● Strong business analysis skills - You are great at gathering, documenting, analyzing,

defining and managing business requirements. You can articulate current state vs. future state

and the gaps between the two. You can identify the root cause of issues and identify impacts of


You’ll love your job THE MOST if you:

● Have 3-6 years of relevant experience in a Product Management role

● Like working, and winning, with a broad team

● Enjoy creating and testing innovative products to foster new and better experiences

● Are comfortable managing products from ideation through development to execution

● Are a confident, creative communicator who likes to share information, gather data, or influence

your audiences

● Thrive in fast-paced, dynamic environments

You’ll feel pretty bummed about this job if you:

● enjoy engaging in the tactics and deep technical details of product

● want to focus on product development instead of strategy or the roadmap

● are okay with limiting product innovation due to resources or time

● like managing a program or project with tasks and assignments

● like working on your own rather than collaborating with a team to accomplish a task

● dislike rapid pace or constant changes in their work environment

Tietoja Electronic Artsista
Olemme ylpeitä siitä, että meillä on kattava portfolio pelejä ja kokemuksia, toimipaikkoja ympäri maailmaa ja mahdollisuuksia kaikkialla EA:lla. Arvostamme sopeutumiskykyä, sitkeyttä, luovuutta ja uteliaisuutta. Johtaminen, joka tuo potentiaalisi esiin, ja tilan luominen oppimiselle ja kokeilemiselle antavat sinulle mahdollisuuden tehdä hyvää työtä ja etsiä mahdollisuuksia kasvaa.

Käytämme kokonaisvaltaista lähestymistapaa etuohjelmassamme keskittyen fyysiseen, emotionaaliseen, taloudelliseen, uran ja yhteisön hyvinvointiin ja tuemme tasapainoista elämää palkallisella vapaa-ajalla ja uudella vanhempainvapaalla sekä ilmaisilla peleillä ja todella monella muulla kohteella. Vaalimme ympäristöjä, joissa tiimimme voivat aina tehdä parasta työtään, mitä tahansa he tekevätkin.

Electronic Arts on yhdenvertaisten mahdollisuuksien työpaikka. Kaikki työllistämiseen liittyvät päätökset tehdään liittymättä rotuun, ihonväriin, kansalliseen alkuperään, syntyperään, sukupuoleen, sukupuoli-identiteettiin tai sukupuolen ilmaisuun, seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, ikään, geneettisiin tietoihin, uskontoon, vammaan, terveydentilaan, raskauteen, siviilisäätyyn, perhestatukseen, veteraanistatukseen tai mihinkään muuhun lain suojaamaan ominaisuuteen. Otamme huomioon myös rikosrekisterin omaavat pätevät työnhakijat lain edellyttämällä tavalla. EA tekee myös työpaikan mukautuksia päteville vammaisille henkilöille sovellettavan lain edellyttämällä tavalla.