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Informacje ogólne

Lokalizacje: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 
  • Właściwość miejscowa: Vancouver
  • Stan:
  • Kraj: Canada

Identyfikator roli
Typ pracownika
Regular Employee
EA Studios - SPORTS
Elastyczna organizacja pracy

Opis i wymagania

Jesteśmy globalnym zespołem twórców, scenarzystów, technologów, inicjatorów doświadczeń, innowatorów i wielu innych ekspertów. Wierzymy, że niesamowite gry i doświadczenia zaczynają się od zespołów, które są równie zróżnicowane jak gracze i społeczności, którym służymy. W Electronic Arts jedynym ograniczeniem jest wyobraźnia.

Our EA Sports Quality Verification Engineering (QVE) department collaborates with EA's QA and Development teams to create tools, automation solutions, scripts, and technical strategies. Our goal is to improve game infrastructure and increasing efficiencies in the game delivery process.

As a Software Engineer on our team, you will play an important part in ensuring a seamless consumer experience by focusing on upstream quality and targeting defect prevention and containment. Reporting to a Development Director, you will help analyze testing strategies, identify new testing technologies, and develop new tools for testing and tracking purposes. This role is open for hybrid work at our Vancouver office.


  • You will work with Dev and QA partners to identify areas of improvement through new tools and automation strategies.

  • You will design, develop, and deploy internal software tools.

  • You will support an increased adoption of automation and tools within game teams.

  • Identify and recommend debug and telemetry enhancements to aid testing.

  • Provide debug support and technical expertise to other engineers on our teams.

  • Contribute to the test and technology strategies of the QA group.

  • Escalate risks and recommend upstream tools, automation, and processes.

  • Analyze metrics, trends and processes to provide meaningful information with sound reasoning.


  • 7+ years of professional experience with a focus on concepts and language varieties. Experience with C#, Java, and/or other comparative programming languages.

  • Knowledge of C++, and scripting experience with Machine Learning, Python, JavaScript and Angular.

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering or equivalent

  • Experience with software development life cycle, software engineering methodologies and practices, and their application to both development and QA.

  • Experience with software quality assurance concepts, debugging processes.