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Informații generale

Locații: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 
ID rol
Tip muncitor
Regular Employee
EA Studios - SPORTS
Aranjament flexibil de lucru

Descriere și cerințe

Electronic Arts creează experiențe de divertisment de următorul nivel, care inspiră jucătorii și fanii din întreaga lume. Aici, toată lumea face parte din poveste. Face parte dintr-o comunitate care stabilește legături în întreaga lume. Un loc în care creativitatea prosperă, sunt încurajate noi perspective, iar ideile sunt importante. O echipă în care toată lumea face jocul posibil.

EA SPORTS is one of the most iconic brands in sports & entertainment with nearly 30 years of innovation, passion, and connection of millions of players across the globe to their favourite sports, teams, and athletes. We are creating a team to build a new unannounced AAA EA SPORTS product across platforms. This is your opportunity to join this new team to shape the future of interactive entertainment and create the next great EA SPORTS game.

Character Animation Research Team (known as the A-Team) is a small team based in Vancouver, British Columbia. We are a cross-functional, applied R&D team, strategically positioned in EA to drive and disrupt the future of character animation technology. Our technology has been used to create next-generation gameplay realism across EA titles such as FC, Madden, NHL, UFC, Battlefield, and many others. Most recently, we pioneered FC24’s HypermotionV technology. This puts billions of frames of animation data captured from real world matches at our disposal. We need your help to craft innovative workflows to empower our artists in bringing never before seen levels of authenticity and realism to video games.

We also have tons of fun doing it! Join us in helping shape the future of how games are made!

The Fullstack Engineer will help us build web & cloud based tools for digital content creation in the animation domain. In this role, you’ll collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of engineers, animators and UX designers to build powerful tools that empower artists and developers.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Designing, developing, and delivering novel features for our web-based tool suite, ensuring code written is testable, maintainable, and scalable.

  • Taking ownership of key components within our technology stack, maintaining quality, stability, and performance.

  • Collaborating with A-Team members and game development partners to define technical requirements and integrate innovative solutions into our tool suite.

  • Working closely with UX designers to implement intuitive and effective user experiences tailored to the needs of the animation community.

  • Researching and adopting emerging technologies, frameworks, and workflows to expand the capabilities and efficiency of our tools.

  • Deploying and managing services on cloud-based infrastructures, such as Kubernetes, to support scalable and reliable development.

Your Qualifications: 

  • Strong foundation in computer science principles, including data structures, algorithms, and scalable system design.

  • Ability to write clean, maintainable, and testable code using modern development practices.

  • Familiarity with software development workflows, including version control (Git), continuous integration, and debugging techniques.

  • Experience in front-end development (HTML, CSS, TypeScript) or back-end development (API design, databases, cloud infrastructure).

  • Experience with modern JavaScript frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, or Lit) and/or state management libraries (Redux, MobX/MST).

  • Knowledge of build tools (Webpack, Rollup, Vite) and testing frameworks (Jest, Selenium).

  • Expertise in 3D visualization (Three.js, glTF) and skeletal animation, including understanding 3D math.

  • Knowledge of data visualization tools like D3.js.

  • Backend experience with Node.js, Express, or other server frameworks.

  • Exposure to cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and container technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.

  • Experience working with real-time messaging protocols (WebSockets, GraphQL, gRPC, Kafka).

  • Proficiency in additional languages such as Python, C++, C#, Go, or Rust is a plus.


  • A strong drive to create high-quality features and services that empower others and improve productivity.

  • Thrive in a team environment, pushing boundaries and driving innovation together.

  • Committed to expanding knowledge and skills, constantly bringing fresh ideas and inspiration to your work.

  • Passion for making games look and play great.

About Electronic Arts
Ne mândrim cu un portofoliu vast de jocuri și experiențe, locații din întreaga lume și oportunități la toate nivelurile EA. Prețuim adaptabilitatea, reziliența, creativitatea și curiozitatea. De la conducerea care îți scoate la în evidență potențialul, până la crearea spațiului pentru învățare și experimentare, noi te abilităm să faci o treabă extraordinară și să urmărești oportunități de dezvoltare.

Adoptăm o abordare holistică cu programul nostru de beneficii, axându-ne pe starea de bine fizică, emoțională, financiară, profesională și comunitară pentru a susține o viață echilibrată, cu concedii plătite și concediu pentru noii părinți, plus jocuri gratuite și multe altele. Cultivăm medii în care echipele noastre pot întotdeauna să dea tot ce au mai bun în activitățile lor.

Electronic Arts este un angajator care oferă oportunități egale. Toate deciziile de angajare sunt luate fără a ține seama de rasă, culoare, origine națională, ascendență, sex, identitate sau exprimare de gen, orientare sexuală, vârstă, informații genetice, religie, dizabilități, stare medicală, sarcină, stare civilă, statut familial, statut de veteran sau orice altă caracteristică protejată prin lege. De asemenea, vom lua în considerare și candidații calificați pentru angajare cu cazier judiciar, în conformitate cu legislația aplicabilă. De asemenea, EA asigură locuri de muncă pentru persoanele cu dizabilități calificate, conform legislației aplicabile.