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Informații generale

Locații: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden 
  • Locație: Guildford
  • Stat:
  • Țară: United Kingdom

  • Locație: Vancouver
  • Stat:
  • Țară: Canada

  • Locație: Orlando
  • Stat:
  • Țară: United States of America

ID rol
Tip muncitor
Regular Employee
CTO - Frostbite
Aranjament flexibil de lucru

Descriere și cerințe

Electronic Arts creează experiențe de divertisment de următorul nivel, care inspiră jucătorii și fanii din întreaga lume. Aici, toată lumea face parte din poveste. Face parte dintr-o comunitate care stabilește legături în întreaga lume. Un loc în care creativitatea prosperă, sunt încurajate noi perspective, iar ideile sunt importante. O echipă în care toată lumea face jocul posibil.

Electronic Arts Inc. is a leading global interactive entertainment software company. EA delivers games, content and online services for Internet-connected consoles, personal computers, mobile phones and tablets.


Frostbite is EA’s state-of-the-art multi-platform game development engine. Our global team empowers game creators to shape the future of gaming by developing innovative game engine features that are supported by outstanding content creation tools for HD & mobile games. Games that are developed with Frostbite span Sports, Racing, RPG, Shooters and many other game genres. We are honoured to have thousands of EA game developers all over the world use Frostbite to create some of the most amazing games and player experiences in the industry.

This role is focused on the technical alignment of future and current work being developed and delivered to Battlefield from all the activities within Frostbite. This role is critical in ensuring the flow of code and changes to Battlefield is a deliberate and managed system with a clear understanding of the risks, quality and features of each release. Driving for more frequent, quickly integrated and low-risk releases for Battlefield.


  • You will be empowered and accountable for understanding and managing the Frostbite engine delivery for Battlefield in terms of features, cadence, quality and risk:

  • Accountable for a team you will drive the building of systems and processes and align our teams on how code and data will flow between Frostbite and Battlefield.

  • Accountable for domain’s estimation accuracy, software delivery quality and maintainability, automation strategy and the technical elements of the gate processes.

  • Ensure that the Frostbite team leaders align our technical direction and roadmap with the Battlefield game TDs.

  • Working with the GTDs in Sports and Skate Vertical as well as the Core and Services verticals to ensure that key architectural changes are aligned across all games.

  • Working with the Subject Matter Experts and domain TDs in the Battlefield Vertical to ensure we have Frostbite briefs, designs and plans that deliver on all partner needs. Further working with the GTDs in other parts of Frostbite to ensure they are delivering designs that work for Battlefield.

  • Ensure our testing approach is effective in catching issues before our partners and improving over time. 

  • Ensure that our technical debt is understood and plans are in place to be prioritised against feature and support work. This includes negotiating the deprecation of technology and the reduction of divergence in partnership with games.

  • Ensure that our team's productivity, tools and systems are improving over time.

  • Ensure the effectiveness of research/prototype work necessary to achieve desired outcomes and evolve our technology (working with GTDs, TDs, the Head of Engine Development, and the Directors of Engine Development and Battlefield). 

  • Responsible for mentoring and growing the next level of technical leaders.


  • 15+yr of experience in the development of game engines and/or AAA game development.

  • 5+ years of experience in a technical leadership position.

  • Hands-on experience with C, C++ programming for x86, Arm64, as well as HLSL or other GPU shader programming languages

  • Proven track record of navigating complex development environments and working closely with stakeholders to guide architectural decisions.

  • Ability to provide positive, consistent, thoughtful, and reassuring leadership through all aspects of change management within a fast-paced, global, agile software development environment.

  • Openness to occasional domestic and international travel.

Bonus Qualifications

  • Strong knowledge of DCC tools from Autodesk (e.g. Maya), SideFX (e.g. , Houdini), and Adobe (e.g. Substance tools).

About Electronic Arts
Ne mândrim cu un portofoliu vast de jocuri și experiențe, locații din întreaga lume și oportunități la toate nivelurile EA. Prețuim adaptabilitatea, reziliența, creativitatea și curiozitatea. De la conducerea care îți scoate la în evidență potențialul, până la crearea spațiului pentru învățare și experimentare, noi te abilităm să faci o treabă extraordinară și să urmărești oportunități de dezvoltare.

Adoptăm o abordare holistică cu programul nostru de beneficii, axându-ne pe starea de bine fizică, emoțională, financiară, profesională și comunitară pentru a susține o viață echilibrată, cu concedii plătite și concediu pentru noii părinți, plus jocuri gratuite și multe altele. Cultivăm medii în care echipele noastre pot întotdeauna să dea tot ce au mai bun în activitățile lor.

Electronic Arts este un angajator care oferă oportunități egale. Toate deciziile de angajare sunt luate fără a ține seama de rasă, culoare, origine națională, ascendență, sex, identitate sau exprimare de gen, orientare sexuală, vârstă, informații genetice, religie, dizabilități, stare medicală, sarcină, stare civilă, statut familial, statut de veteran sau orice altă caracteristică protejată prin lege. De asemenea, vom lua în considerare și candidații calificați pentru angajare cu cazier judiciar, în conformitate cu legislația aplicabilă. De asemenea, EA asigură locuri de muncă pentru persoanele cu dizabilități calificate, conform legislației aplicabile.