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Informații generale

Locații: Austin, Texas, United States of America 
  • Locație: Austin
  • Stat:
  • Țară: United States of America

ID rol
Tip muncitor
Regular Employee
Aranjament flexibil de lucru

Descriere și cerințe

Electronic Arts creează experiențe de divertisment de următorul nivel, care inspiră jucătorii și fanii din întreaga lume. Aici, toată lumea face parte din poveste. Face parte dintr-o comunitate care stabilește legături în întreaga lume. Un loc în care creativitatea prosperă, sunt încurajate noi perspective, iar ideile sunt importante. O echipă în care toată lumea face jocul posibil.

About the Team

The Ventures Innovation team at Electronic Arts is dedicated to exploring new opportunities beyond the bounds of traditional gaming; specifically new opportunities across the rapidly evolving industry as well as disruptive forms of sports entertainment. 

As part of the Experiences organization, we are a forward-thinking team of innovators, strategists, creatives, engineers, and statisticians. Together, we incubate disruptive products, features, and capabilities that sit outside the core gaming experiences of EA, breaking new ground in interactive experiences and sports entertainment.

The Role

And we want you to join us. We’re hiring a Sr. Manager of Engineering. This role is part of the EA Ventures organization, reporting to the Director of Innovation. Your mission: bring ideas to life by harnessing the latest technologies, creating the future of interactive entertainment.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Develop technical proof of concepts of new product ideas, services, and/or systems to expand the player experience beyond our games

  • Provide technical thought leadership, expertise, and vision for experiment design and execution

  • Research new technologies that can improve EA’s player experience

  • Build and test homegrown solutions; evaluate vendor solutions to drive proper Buy vs. Build decisions on new technology

  • Design UX/UI technical requirements for new proof-of-concepts

  • Creating technical architecture designs for new ideas

  • Explore applications for AI and LLMs to support key business initiatives

  • Manage the Ventures Innovation tech stack (External cloud providers like AWS)

  • Manage and mentor a team of engineers and cross-functional resources to rapidly build new product concepts in agile environment

  • Document technical findings and requirements for learning and handoff

  • Define program requirements for full-scale production versions of a successful proof-of-concept


Candidates should be:

  • Intellectually curious: Has a naturally curious mind and a desire to frame and solve business problems; actively seeks out best-in-class capabilities.

  • Critical thinker: Strong quantitative and qualitative skills; ability to go beyond surface-level information to inform actionable recommendations.

  • Collaborative: Works well in a collaborative team environment across engineers, product designers, marketers, and functional experts

  • Self-starter: A self-motivated individual who can take limited direction and produce tangible results; proactively develops out-of-the-box solutions with the available tools and resources.

  • Technology-forward: Has an interest in technology and knows the relevant platforms and models; Strong understanding of emerging technology trends.

  • Communication: Clear and persuasive oral and written communication skills; an active listener and concise presenter.

  • Positive attitude: Can-do attitude; finds the bright side of even stressful situations and is willing to learn from them.



  • Bachelor's or master’s degree in technology or computer science fields

  • 7+ years of programming experience, 3 years of leadership role in engineering

  • Full stack programming skills (HTML5, CSS/SASS, Java, NodeJS, React/Vue, SQL)

  • Experience designing and developing proof of concepts and prototypes

  • Talent for taking abstract and theoretical ideas and converting them into clear, actionable code

  • Experience with open-source software (MySQL, Linux, etc.)

  • Experience building scalable products on the cloud (AWS knowledge a big benefit)

  • Experience in SQL and NoSQL databases

  • Knowledge with Docker & Kubernetes, Gitlab CI/CD & Jenkins

  • Experience working in Agile development methodologies

  • Experience working in a distributed global team

  • A knack for toying with new and emerging technologies (AI/Chatbots, Machine Learning, GenAI, Image detection, Text Analytics, etc.)

  • Ability to communicate effectively with business owners and technical architects/developers

  • General interest in gaming / the gaming industry

About Electronic Arts
Ne mândrim cu un portofoliu vast de jocuri și experiențe, locații din întreaga lume și oportunități la toate nivelurile EA. Prețuim adaptabilitatea, reziliența, creativitatea și curiozitatea. De la conducerea care îți scoate la în evidență potențialul, până la crearea spațiului pentru învățare și experimentare, noi te abilităm să faci o treabă extraordinară și să urmărești oportunități de dezvoltare.

Adoptăm o abordare holistică cu programul nostru de beneficii, axându-ne pe starea de bine fizică, emoțională, financiară, profesională și comunitară pentru a susține o viață echilibrată, cu concedii plătite și concediu pentru noii părinți, plus jocuri gratuite și multe altele. Cultivăm medii în care echipele noastre pot întotdeauna să dea tot ce au mai bun în activitățile lor.

Electronic Arts este un angajator care oferă oportunități egale. Toate deciziile de angajare sunt luate fără a ține seama de rasă, culoare, origine națională, ascendență, sex, identitate sau exprimare de gen, orientare sexuală, vârstă, informații genetice, religie, dizabilități, stare medicală, sarcină, stare civilă, statut familial, statut de veteran sau orice altă caracteristică protejată prin lege. De asemenea, vom lua în considerare și candidații calificați pentru angajare cu cazier judiciar, în conformitate cu legislația aplicabilă. De asemenea, EA asigură locuri de muncă pentru persoanele cu dizabilități calificate, conform legislației aplicabile.