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Allmän information

Platser: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 
  • Plats: Vancouver
  • Status:
  • Land: Canada

Typ av arbetare
Regular Employee
CTO - EA Digital Platform
Flexibelt arbetsarrangemang

Beskrivningar och krav

Electronic Arts skapar underhållning på en högre nivå som inspirerar spelare och fans runt om i världen. Här är alla en del av berättelsen. En del av en community där vi kommunicerar och samarbetar med varandra över hela världen. En plats där kreativiteten frodas, nya perspektiv välkomnas och idéer är viktiga. Ett team där vi tillsammans får spelen att bli levande.

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The EA Digital Platform (EADP) group is the core powering the global EA ecosystem. We provide the foundation for all of EA’s incredible games and player experiences with high-level platforms like Cloud, Commerce, Data and AI, Gameplay Services, Identity and Social. By providing reusable capabilities that game teams can easily integrate into their work, we let them focus on making some of the best games in the world and creating meaningful relationships with our players. We’re behind the curtain, making it all work together. Come power the future of play with us.

The Challenge Ahead

As the gaming industry shifts towards a live service-driven model, creating an engaging Ads experience and connecting relevant brands / advertisers to players is the key to EA's success. The AdTech team within EADP's Dynamic Experience group is on a journey to build industry-leading solutions that empower e2e Ads lifecycle management workflows and performant, scalable and available services.

As we expand the Ads business, building a stable and scalable platform is critical to the successes of multiple Ads workflows-- such as supply and demand management, Ads network connection and marketplace, creative lifecycle, inventory management, bidding and optimization solutions, data exchange, tracking, measurement and reporting capabilities.

As a Software Engineer III, you will help drive EA AdTech and vendor solution integrations. You will report to the Engineering Director.


  • You will work with cross-functional teams including Content Management & Delivery, Messaging, Segmentation, Recommendation, and Experimentation to streamline the Ads workflow.
  • You will evaluate where and how EA’s live service solutions, studio tech stacks, and vendor solutions can work together and help to achieve both engineering goals and business objectives in an efficient and cost effective manner.
  • You will lead the development of key components of Ads lifecycle such as ads network connection, ads marketplace, data exchange, funnel analysis, measurement and reporting.
  • You will use massive data sets from 20+ game studios to promote a data-driven decision-making process and experimentation culture.
  • You will work with Game Studios, Experience, and Brand organizations to understand their use cases, and drive e2e solutions to meet the requirements.
  • You will work with Legal and Privacy teams to ensure that compliance directives are strictly followed.
  • You will serve as a lead engineer to drive the design discussion and the technical roadmap of specific domains.
  • You will mentor junior engineers.


  • Bachelor’s or Master's degree in Computer Science/related field or relevant experience.
  • 5+ years of experience in software engineering.
  • Domain knowledge of the Ads industry, including the ads lifecycle such as creative management, inventory management, marketplace, bidding & optimization, data workflow, measurement.
  • Experience in developing, managing, and running 24/7 large scale services that have complex dependencies in a microservice based design, with deep data connection. 
  • Competencies in algorithms, data structures, and software design.
  • Experience building distributed systems to serve concurrent requests on a massive scale.
  • Experience working with multi-cloud architectures to manage data pipelines across vendors.
  • Experience working with online & offline databases, including columnar databases, relational databases or document databases.
  • Experience working with Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Storm, Flink, Presto, or other data streaming and processing systems.
  • Experience leading projects to deliver impactful customer experiences, including close collaboration with product managers, and directly working with end-users.

Om Electronic Arts
Vi är stolta över att ha en omfattande portfolio med spel och upplevelser, att vi finns på så många platser runt om i världen och att det finns så många olika möjligheter på EA. Vi värdesätter anpassningsförmåga, motståndskraft, kreativitet och nyfikenhet. Från ledarskap som tar fram din potential till att skapa utrymme för lärande och experimenterande ger vi dig möjlighet att göra ett bra jobb och växa med oss.

Vi tar ett helhetsgrepp med vårt förmånsprogram och fokuserar på fysiskt, emotionellt, ekonomiskt och karriärmässigt välmående för att stödja ett balanserat liv med betald semester och ledighet för nyblivna föräldrar, plus gratis spel och mycket mer. Vi värnar om miljöer där våra team alltid kan göra sitt allra bästa.

Electronic Arts är en arbetsgivare med lika möjligheter. Alla anställningsbeslut görs utan hänsyn till ras, färg, ursprung, anor, kön, könsidentitet eller -uttryck, sexuell läggning, ålder, genetisk information, religion, funktionsvariationer, sjukdomstillstånd, graviditet, civilstånd, familjestatus, veteranstatus eller annan karakteristik som skyddas av lagen. Vi överväger även anställning av kvalificerade sökande i straffregistret, i enlighet med gällande lagar. EA gör också arbetsplatsen tillgänglig på det sätt som krävs för kvalificerade personer med funktionsvariationer, enligt gällande lagar.