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Sijainnit: Hyderabad, Telangana, India 
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Työntekijän tyyppi
Regular Employee
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Kuvaus ja vaatimukset

Electronic Arts luo seuraavan tason viihdekokemuksia, jotka inspiroivat pelaajia ja faneja ympäri maailmaa. Täällä kaikki ovat osa tarinaa. Osa yhteisöä, joka muodostaa yhteyksiä kaikkialla maailmassa. Paikka, jossa luovuus kukoistaa, uudet näkökulmat ovat tervetulleita ja ideoilla on merkitystä. Tiimi, jossa kaikki osallistuvat pelaamisen tekemiseen mahdolliseksi.

Job objectives

Partner with GO HD Release Management peers, Planning & Readiness and EACC to manage the submission of EA content to First Party.


This includes managing the preparation, verification, and submission of software and metadata for all content and tracking and maintaining the content’s status in the Jaas databases.



The GO Associate Release Manager II will work closely with EA’s First Party account partners, EA Certification & Compliance (EACC) groups and other key internal EA teams (Planning & Readiness, Channel Delivery, Release Management, Tech Partners & Channels, Commercial, Studio/QV) to ensure the efficient and timely release of EA’s content on First Party platforms, providing feedback and suggestions on new processes and improvements for the overall submission cycle. 


The GO Associate Release Manager II will be part of a high-performing team that can provide cross-functional and cross regional support to ensure there is always coverage for projects in both the Central European and Pacific time zones. The GO Associate Release Manager II is expected to become an expert in their platform and provide support for all release management activities and guidance on First Party requirements.


The GO Associate Release Manager II will train other team members, from the HD Release Management team ensuring that all are fully trained and all have the necessary support to be successful within Global Operations (GO). The role will partner with GO Management and GO Functional Managers to execute global submission strategy such as supporting new platforms and tools and to align on ongoing initiatives, as well as daily operational topics. The role will be required to onboard new tasks and support HD Release Management as needed.


The GO Associate Release Manager II will manage the reporting, tracking and triaging of submission related issues, to support the team goal of 100% submission accuracy. This includes ensuring all data points are maintained as live (Jaas, Asana, 1st Party portals, FLC).



  • To provide support during Pacific Standard Time, a night shift is established within the team. A rotation plan will be in place to ensure that each team member covers the night shift for portions of the year.
  • The Release Management department is a dynamic part of the business where there are peak periods of activity therefore the incumbent must have a flexible approach to working hours, including weekends. 
  • Taking annual leave during these periods is limited. 



Responsibilities on the process

  • Project manage the metadata submission process. Partner with the GO HD Release Management team to ensure that all activities are executed effectively and to a high standard. Resolve issues and escalations raised by the GO HD Release Management team as appropriate.
  • Maintains effective, productive, and professional relations with First Party partner contacts for the platforms (typically release and/or account managers). Maintains a close partnership and professional rapport, constantly seeking to make process improvements where possible. 
  • Maintains complete knowledge of all business models (Subscription, EA Access, Digital & Packaged), Edition and Content planning processes including the materials required for smooth and successful submissions via collaboration with Store Operations and Planning & Readiness teams, EACC test hubs/QA/Dev through to the First Parties. Also, able to assist with developing efficient and consistent use of the required tools (Jaas, FLC, PBI). The role requires working with key stakeholders to ensure the most efficient workflow/process is implemented. Educates Studio, and drives change as needed to ensure submission processes are consistently error free.
  • Works closely with GO Management to execute global submissions strategy such as supporting new business models including Subscription and EA Access and to align on ongoing initiatives, as well as daily operational topics.
  • Liaises with colleagues within specific vertical to hand-off critical projects at end of day, as appropriate, facilitating global time-zone coverage on time critical projects.
  • Maintains a complete understanding of all product schedule dependencies and needs on a global scale. Proactively engages studio personnel, GO Planning & Readiness team, EACC Operations staff, and EACC Management to establish First Party bodies re-submission schedules and resolve conflicts before they arise. Strategically communicates with these teams as needed to achieve best outcomes. Attends and drives scheduling meetings. Alerts management when processes or policies are compromised, or product releases are at risk.
  • Ensure maximum coordination and communication world-wide based GO teams; operate with a global focus.
  • Assist GO Management team to train and develop the GO Release Management team into a best in class service organization fully trained on specific toolsets for global territories; internalize submission deliverables as appropriate to minimize impact on Studio teams and drive consistency with external partners.  
  • Proactively updates and creates reference documentation for EA Studio personnel to drive consistency and integrity of submissions. Communicates problem trends, submissions-related news from console, etc. as needed for Studio to remain empowered to succeed.
  • Assists GO Management in official interactions with external partners as needed; negotiating on failure points, seeking official waivers to requirements, and making priority requests. Heavily involved in safeguarding EA’s relationship and business by strategically denying damaging courses of action. Assists GO Leadership in finding best path between short and long-term gains.
  • Manages other general Release Management process interactions and communicates status to partners and stakeholders according to established Certification/Rating/First Party submissions service level agreements. Ensures timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and ultimate disposition of submission information. 
  • Conducts presentations to Studio or QA personnel worldwide, advocating the GO Release Management agenda and getting feedback on services.
  • Manages the delivery of software and documentation submission packages into First Parties for platforms/projects assigned. Ensures submission packages are of the highest integrity and punctuality.
  • Supports management in developing a stronger proactive and continuously improving team culture.
  • Responsible for supporting GO Managers to ensure key process documentation is up to date and fit for purpose.
  • Provide guidance on prioritization issues and flag potential risks and bottlenecks.
  • Ensure Jaas databases are maintained and kept up to date at all times.
  • Build and maintain relationships with internal and external partners, such as game teams, wider GO partner teams, HD Release Management, EACC, and our First Party contacts.

Tietoja Electronic Artsista
Olemme ylpeitä siitä, että meillä on kattava portfolio pelejä ja kokemuksia, toimipaikkoja ympäri maailmaa ja mahdollisuuksia kaikkialla EA:lla. Arvostamme sopeutumiskykyä, sitkeyttä, luovuutta ja uteliaisuutta. Johtaminen, joka tuo potentiaalisi esiin, ja tilan luominen oppimiselle ja kokeilemiselle antavat sinulle mahdollisuuden tehdä hyvää työtä ja etsiä mahdollisuuksia kasvaa.

Käytämme kokonaisvaltaista lähestymistapaa etuohjelmassamme keskittyen fyysiseen, emotionaaliseen, taloudelliseen, uran ja yhteisön hyvinvointiin ja tuemme tasapainoista elämää palkallisella vapaa-ajalla ja uudella vanhempainvapaalla sekä ilmaisilla peleillä ja todella monella muulla kohteella. Vaalimme ympäristöjä, joissa tiimimme voivat aina tehdä parasta työtään, mitä tahansa he tekevätkin.

Electronic Arts on yhdenvertaisten mahdollisuuksien työpaikka. Kaikki työllistämiseen liittyvät päätökset tehdään liittymättä rotuun, ihonväriin, kansalliseen alkuperään, syntyperään, sukupuoleen, sukupuoli-identiteettiin tai sukupuolen ilmaisuun, seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, ikään, geneettisiin tietoihin, uskontoon, vammaan, terveydentilaan, raskauteen, siviilisäätyyn, perhestatukseen, veteraanistatukseen tai mihinkään muuhun lain suojaamaan ominaisuuteen. Otamme huomioon myös rikosrekisterin omaavat pätevät työnhakijat lain edellyttämällä tavalla. EA tekee myös työpaikan mukautuksia päteville vammaisille henkilöille sovellettavan lain edellyttämällä tavalla.