Ohita ja siirry sisältöön

Yleiset tiedot

Sijainnit: Austin, Texas, United States of America 
  • Sijainti: Austin
  • Osavaltio:
  • Maa: United States of America

Roolin tunnus
Työntekijän tyyppi
Regular Employee
Joustava työjärjestely

Kuvaus ja vaatimukset

Electronic Arts luo seuraavan tason viihdekokemuksia, jotka inspiroivat pelaajia ja faneja ympäri maailmaa. Täällä kaikki ovat osa tarinaa. Osa yhteisöä, joka muodostaa yhteyksiä kaikkialla maailmassa. Paikka, jossa luovuus kukoistaa, uudet näkökulmat ovat tervetulleita ja ideoilla on merkitystä. Tiimi, jossa kaikki osallistuvat pelaamisen tekemiseen mahdolliseksi.

Position Title: Quality Engineer - QE III


What does the EA IT Employee Experience Engineering Team do?

Electronic Arts is a global leader in digital interactive entertainment. The Company's game

franchises are offered as both packaged goods products and online services delivered through

Internet-connected consoles, personal computers, mobile phones, and tablets. EA has more

than 275 million registered players and operates in 75 countries.

Our team, the Employee and Studio Experience Engineering (ESE) group is a new central

technology team that is responsible for designing, developing and maintaining application and

data services as well as enterprise mobile applications that support all employees throughout

EA. Our goal is to produce high quality, reusable, services and web and mobile solutions that

help each and every EA employee do their job and contribute to the goal of EA making the

world’s greatest games.

What will you be doing?

You will be responsible for working with the team’s quality architects and engineers to verify

and validate the Architecture/Engineering team’s implementation of their designs. All services

and applications will need to be tested to scale to serve all of our employees globally.

You will be responsible for writing the functional, automation, and performance test suite

specifications utilizing the quality assurance toolsets in a secure and efficient manner, ensuring

high quality and user experience leveraging the use of continuous integration/continuous

deployment systems. You should be familiar with working in an Agile/Scrum model in a modern

DevOps organization.

Our Quality Engineers love to research new cutting edge technology, implement high standards

of quality assurance and work as part of a team of experts who define “what excellent looks

like” while creating outstanding user experience through a powerful automation toolset and

innovative practices. You ensure stellar product quality and provide technical guidance to

Product & Program Managers as they communicate user and product requirements. This role is

for a senior engineer who loves the challenge of testing, through verification & validation,

distributed, high availability, and resilient systems in an ever-evolving environment. You should

have excellent problem-solving, analytical skills and collaborative acumen in ensuring that all

applications/services created to meet our quality standards.

As a quality engineer, you will be involved in proof-of-concept (POC) for new technology, work

with leads and architects to define technical specification standards, and quality assurance

best practices. You will assist in driving the overall testing strategy to include test suite creation,

designing test automation, processes, and framework architecture/enhancements for the

Employee and Studio Experience and Engineering portfolio.

You will interact with product managers, project managers, architects, development engineers

and infrastructure engineers, across the US and other geographies, to drive high levels of

quality and user experience while providing real-time feedback as the subject matter expert in

this area.


• Implement an automated testing infrastructure that covers all layers of the

Mobile/Web/Services technical stack

• Work with the Employee & Studio Experience & Engineering (E3) Test Lead and

Architecture/Engineering Team to create a sustainable testing toolset, test automation

framework that incorporates the DevOps model in Continuous Integration (CI) and

Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline, and device inventory

• Develop comprehensive test suites to allow the E3 Team to achieve its project

deployment targets utilizing Agile\Scrum principles while achieving a test coverage of

70%-80% or greater

• Coordinate and work with both on-shore and off-shore resources for:

o Manual testing for areas that don’t meet the test automation parameters

o Creation or modification of automated test suites

o Automation of Load and Performance Testing of service APIs and mobile/web


o User Acceptance Testing activities for a major feature or point releases

o Final rapid sanity/verification regression testing pre-CD activities

• Effectively communicate progress and issues with engineering and product/project managers

to ensure verification & validation signoff of issues for “Ready for Production” activities

• Ensure all testing processes and procedures are well documented with proper technical

specifications and maintainable

• Collaborate with multiple project teams (Product Management, Experience Design,

Dev/Engineering, & Operations) on requirements and objectives for overall project success

Required Skills

Must Haves

• 5+ years experience utilizing the ServiceNow Automation Testing Framework (ATF)

• 9+ years experience in Developing end-to-end test plans\suites for all facets of software

testing, including UI, API automation, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Load & Stress testing,

and Regression & Sanity testing

• 6+ years experience in end-to-end testing on ServiceNow modules specifically ITSM & HRSD

• Thorough understanding of testing practices (black-box testing, risk-based testing, system

testing, regression testing, exploratory testing, performance testing, etc.)

• Working knowledge of test methodologies, processes, and toolsets (Selenium Grid, Appium,

Postman, Test management tool: TestRail, Test issue tracking: JIRA, Performance testing:

Apache JMeter)

• Understanding of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) practices (GitLab,


• Experience with testing on services and applications running in AWS

• Experience taking projects from initial spec/requirements through design and implementation,

testing and debugging, documentation, and installation in an Agile environment

• Strong written and verbal communication skills at building and strengthening relationships

across multiple functions to drive quality through cohesive, tactical, proper testing processes

• Knowledge test status & metrics reporting, creating executive-level reports via dashboards

and the ability to convey the data in a clear and concise manner

Extra Points

• Experience with one or more of the following programming languages: Python, Java,

Javascript and/or C#

• Experience with testing on other cloud platforms (e.g. MS Azure, GCP)

• Knowledge of employee collaborative tools (Slack, Google Suite, Zoom)


• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, related technical discipline or equivalent


• 9+ years of Software Quality Assurance engineering experience with focus areas on

Functional, Automation, Performance and/or DevOps

• 5+ years of hands-on experience in desktop & mobile development, execution, and

maintenance in test automation, performance testing, and DevOps testing on multiple

browsers, platforms

• 4+ years of hands-on experience in API automation

• 3+ years of experience in developing UI & Services performance scripts using Apache JMeter

• Self-starter with an eagerness to constantly learn and share technical knowledge with team

members; Staying current on new technologies and how they integrate with our current &

future objectives

• Strong sense of ownership/‘can do’ attitude and high attention to detail

• Experience working on a distributed global team

• Ability to dive into difficult problems and deliver results on time and per specifications

• Demonstrate a high level of creativity and problem solving

Tietoja Electronic Artsista
Olemme ylpeitä siitä, että meillä on kattava portfolio pelejä ja kokemuksia, toimipaikkoja ympäri maailmaa ja mahdollisuuksia kaikkialla EA:lla. Arvostamme sopeutumiskykyä, sitkeyttä, luovuutta ja uteliaisuutta. Johtaminen, joka tuo potentiaalisi esiin, ja tilan luominen oppimiselle ja kokeilemiselle antavat sinulle mahdollisuuden tehdä hyvää työtä ja etsiä mahdollisuuksia kasvaa.

Käytämme kokonaisvaltaista lähestymistapaa etuohjelmassamme keskittyen fyysiseen, emotionaaliseen, taloudelliseen, uran ja yhteisön hyvinvointiin ja tuemme tasapainoista elämää palkallisella vapaa-ajalla ja uudella vanhempainvapaalla sekä ilmaisilla peleillä ja todella monella muulla kohteella. Vaalimme ympäristöjä, joissa tiimimme voivat aina tehdä parasta työtään, mitä tahansa he tekevätkin.

Electronic Arts on yhdenvertaisten mahdollisuuksien työpaikka. Kaikki työllistämiseen liittyvät päätökset tehdään liittymättä rotuun, ihonväriin, kansalliseen alkuperään, syntyperään, sukupuoleen, sukupuoli-identiteettiin tai sukupuolen ilmaisuun, seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, ikään, geneettisiin tietoihin, uskontoon, vammaan, terveydentilaan, raskauteen, siviilisäätyyn, perhestatukseen, veteraanistatukseen tai mihinkään muuhun lain suojaamaan ominaisuuteen. Otamme huomioon myös rikosrekisterin omaavat pätevät työnhakijat lain edellyttämällä tavalla. EA tekee myös työpaikan mukautuksia päteville vammaisille henkilöille sovellettavan lain edellyttämällä tavalla.