

地点:Seoul, Korea, Republic of 
角色 ID
Regular Employee
EA Studios - Mobile Korea


Electronic Arts 打造更高层次的娱乐体验,激励世界各地的玩家和粉丝。在这里,每个人都是故事的主角。活跃社群,畅联全球。这里充满创造力,鼓励新观点,注重好创意。这是一支人人都能让游戏成为现实的团队。

Key Responsibilities

  • You will design and implement server-side features of a real-time scalable game.
  • You will ensure stability of several back-end services.
  • You will investigate and response to issues arising in the live environment.
  • You will operate a large-scale Kubernetes group in multiple countries.


  • 4+ relevant years of hands-on experience 
  • Proficiency in using Node.js and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with Microservice Architecture and RESTful API
  • Experience developing or operating using NoSQL or RDBMS
  • Experience developing in Linux environment
  • Effective communication and problem solving skills 
  • Degree in Software Engineering or related field, or equivalent experience

Preferred Skills

  • Experience in developing web services or distributed servers that handle high traffic
  • Experience in operating clusters using container technologies like Kubernetes
  • Experience in implementing or using various metrics and monitoring tools to understand live environments
  • Proficient in using one or more scripting languages

Required Documents

※ If your application document exceeds 2MB, please upload it to Google Drive first, open it for all viewers, save the link in a notepad file, and then upload the file.

Resume and CV in Korean

Hiring Processes

Application Review - Assignment (Coding Test) - 1st Interview - 2nd Interview (details subject to change)

Electronic Arts
我们拥有全面的游戏组合和丰富的体验,在世界各地设有分支机构,而且在整个 EA 提供大量机会。我们非常重视适应能力、韧性、创造力和好奇心。我们提供领导岗位让您发挥潜力,为学习和尝试提供空间,赋能您出色地完成工作并寻求成长的机会。


Electronic Arts 是一个注重机会平等的雇主。在聘用员工时不会考虑其种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性取向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教、身心障碍、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况或兵役状况,或任何受法律保护的其他特征。我们也会遵守相关法律,考虑招聘有过犯罪记录的合格应聘者。EA 还会根据适用法律的要求,为合资格的残障人士提供工作场所的便利。