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Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro Talent Hub

Como parte de nuestra comunidad de talentos, recibirás notificaciones cuando haya vacantes relacionadas con tus criterios y tu perfil, así como novedades ocasionales sobre Electronic Arts.

¡Únete ya para enterarte de todas las novedades y descubrir tu próxima gran oportunidad!

Completa tu perfil para unirte
- Debe incluir al menos 8 caracteres
- Debe incluir al menos un número
- Debe incluir al menos una letra
- Debe incluir un símbolo
- Debe incluir mayúsculas y minúsculas
We want to connect you with job opportunities that align with your interests, skills, and expertise. When you create an EA Careers Account and are logged into the portal, you can click “Get Recommendations” to view a curated list of job openings. These recommendations are enhanced by automated processing, including artificial intelligence, and take into account your skills and experience. However, all employment decisions are made by our hiring teams, not by automated systems.