콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

일반 정보

지역: Toronto (Glu Mobile), Ontario, Canada 
  • 장소: Offsite - Northern California
  • 시/도:
  • 국가: United States of America

  • 장소: Vancouver
  • 시/도:
  • 국가: Canada

  • 장소: Toronto
  • 시/도:
  • 국가: Canada

역할 ID
근로자 유형
Regular Employee
EA Mobile - PopCap
Off Site

설명 및 참여 요건

Electronic Arts는 전 세계 플레이어와 팬들에게 영감을 불어넣을 차세대 엔터테인먼트 경험을 제작합니다. 여기에선 모든 이가 이야기의 일부가 됩니다. 전 세계를 연결하는 커뮤니티의 일부이자 창의력이 번창하고 새로운 관점을 제시하며 아이디어가 중요한 곳이며 모두가 플레이 제작에 참여할 수 있는 팀입니다.

WE WANT YOUR BRAINS… PopCap is looking for brainy and skillful people with a passion for making the world’s best games. What’s in it for you? A super-fun environment, rewarding work, and lots of great perks. It takes big, delicious brains to make award-winning titles like Plants vs. Zombies that delight millions of players around the world every day. Are you up for the challenge?

As a Senior Game Designer reporting to the Design Director, you will set the bar for the quality creation of content and features, ensuring your work aligns with business and design goals with unwavering attention to theme, quality, and the needs of our players. In this role, you will be spending roughly 50% of your time on Individual Contributor work and 50% on managing designers.

You must have experience working on a live, mobile game, with preference being given to those with experience working on Social Systems and Hybrid-Casual Gameplay. You will demonstrate a solid understanding of games and player compulsion, and will be well-versed in games of all types and genres. You are a Plants vs Zombies fan with a history of creating quality, thematic content and features. You are curious, creative, collaborative by nature, and have a preference for using telemetry to validate your design thinking. Additionally, you are an advocate of design culture and thinking who excels in a multidisciplinary environment with experience in managing a team of dedicated individuals.

Come work at an amazing studio and share your passion for Plants vs Zombies with the world!


  • Create and develop accessible and deep Social Systems and Gameplay for players.

  • Partner with other disciplines to ensure your content and features are delivered to the highest quality.

  • Develop ideas for content, gameplay, and progression systems throughout the player life-cycle.

  • Partner with Production and Product Management to build creative solutions to solve our most challenging business needs and, overall, to delight our players.

  • Quickly prototype design ideas in-game and iterate through playtesting.

  • Partner with other disciplines to ensure game design and player engagement targets are considered.

  • Lead a team of one or more designers.

  • Mentoring other game designers.


  • Have 4+ years of relevant game design experience.

  • Are an active player of mobile games, both casual and core alike.

  • Designed and developed major game systems and content for at least one shipped mobile title.

  • Creatively, analytically, and organizationally skilled with proven ability to write, communicate, and maintain detailed design documentation throughout the game life cycle.

  • Demonstrative proof of an open-minded, upbeat, progressive thinker who is flexible, energetic, and driven with the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges with working solutions.

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

  • Unity, Perforce, and scripting experience preferred.

Recently, we’ve also developed a strong work-from-home process and are sensitive to the safety and well-being of our team. This opens up new opportunities, at least in the short term, for employees to work remotely.

Electronic Arts 소개
EA는 전 세계의 다양한 게임과 경험, 지역, 그리고 기회에 대한 광범위한 포트폴리오를 보유함에 있어 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 당사는 적응력, 회복력, 창의성, 호기심을 중시합니다. 잠재력을 발휘하는 리더십부터 학습과 실험을 위한 공간을 만드는 것까지, 당사는 여러분이 훌륭한 일을 하고 성장의 기회를 추구할 수 있도록 힘을 실어드립니다.

EA는 신체적, 정서적, 재정적, 직업적, 지역 사회 복지에 중점을 둔 복리후생 프로그램을 통해 유급 휴가와 육아 휴가, 무료 게임 제공 등을 통해 균형 잡힌 삶을 지원합니다. 당사는 팀이 항상 최선을 다할 수 있는 환경을 육성합니다.

Electronic Arts는 동등한 고용 기회를 제공합니다. 채용에 관한 모든 결정은 인종, 피부색, 출신 국가, 혈통, 성별, 성 정체성 또는 성 표현, 성적 성향, 나이, 유전 정보, 종교, 장애, 질병, 임신, 결혼, 가족 상황, 군 복무 여부 또는 기타 법으로 보호되는 기타 특성과 관계없이 내려집니다. 당사는 또한 해당 법률에 따라 전과 기록이 있는 자격을 갖춘 지원자도 채용 대상으로 고려합니다. 또한, EA는 관련 법률에서 요구하는 대로 장애가 있는 자격을 갖춘 개인을 위한 직장 내 편의 시설을 마련합니다.