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Informații generale

Locații: Los Angeles - Chatsworth, California, United States of America 
  • Locație: Vancouver - Great Northern Way
  • Stat:
  • Țară: Canada

ID rol
Tip muncitor
Regular Employee
EA Studios - Respawn
Aranjament flexibil de lucru

Descriere și cerințe

Electronic Arts creează experiențe de divertisment de următorul nivel, care inspiră jucătorii și fanii din întreaga lume. Aici, toată lumea face parte din poveste. Face parte dintr-o comunitate care stabilește legături în întreaga lume. Un loc în care creativitatea prosperă, sunt încurajate noi perspective, iar ideile sunt importante. O echipă în care toată lumea face jocul posibil.

Founded in 2010 by the original creators of the Call of Duty franchise, Respawn was created with the philosophy that when accomplished people have creative freedom, they'll make extraordinary games that achieve the unexpected. From our roots as an indie studio to joining the roster of studios at Electronic Arts, this remains our guiding principle. Our shipped titles include critically acclaimed multi-platform games Apex Legends, Titanfall, Titanfall 2, Star Wars™ Jedi: Fallen Order, and Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. Join us for the opportunity to create groundbreaking games with some of the best developer talent in the industry.

We are looking for an Animation Director to join our game team and continue to develop and evolve our signature animation and personality. The ideal candidate is an experienced leader who will lead and empower a team of world-class gameplay animators to do their most amazing work, while planning and leading the efforts of gameplay animation to support the overall direction of the game. The role reports to the Creative Director and carries substantial creative and managerial responsibility for the animation department.

Why Join Us?

  • This is a rare leadership opportunity to drive the animation vision for Apex Legends, and be a key stakeholder in the creative direction of the franchise. 
  • You seek a role where your organizational and leadership skills can grow further, and you are excited to take on the challenges of leading an animation department.
  • You value a gameplay-focused culture that strives to build trust, connection, and candidness within the team.
  • No crunch or overtime. We do not glorify or encourage this behavior.



  • Mentor, develop, and lead a world-class animation team.
  • Help improve our existing animation tooling, processes, and pipelines, striving for peak animation team efficiency, while collaborating with our code team.
  • Drive the animation quality bar. Set artistic and technical best practices for the gameplay animation team.
  • Guide the animation team to deliver high-quality characters that stay true to their identities.
  • Work with Designers to achieve responsive, immersive gameplay that feels rewarding to our players.
  • Work together with Artists and Riggers to realize the functionalities of our characters, weapons, and abilities.
  • Help to facilitate mocap shoots and contribute to the whole process, including initial organization, directing, and distributing the data to the character-focused animation team.
  • Drive communication across all disciplines to achieve alignment within the game team.
  • Help us create high-quality, visually stunning, and emotionally resonant animation content that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression.


  • 12+ years of professional game development experience as a gameplay animator.
  • At least 3 years experience leading other gameplay animators in a formal capacity, including coaching and administrative responsibilities.
  • A deep knowledge of gameplay animation requirements for the FPS genre.
  • Mature, collaborative leadership skills.
  • Proficiency in implementing animation in a game engine such as Unreal (or similar tier in proprietary engines).
  • Mastery of relevant software packages such as Maya and MotionBuilder.
  • Experience with first-person weapons and full-body animations.
  • Experience collaborating with other disciplines - especially Design, Code, and Art.
  • Experience animating cameras, with an understanding of cinematography - especially action sequences.
  • Practical, hands-on experience with motion capture acquisition as well as motion editing (re-posing, re-timing, and plussing mocap data).

Access to an online portfolio of work (or practical equivalent) is required. This should demonstrate the depth and range of a) your own hands-on animation work in shipped video game projects and b) non-hands-on content you have driven as a leader in animation teams.

About Electronic Arts
Ne mândrim cu un portofoliu vast de jocuri și experiențe, locații din întreaga lume și oportunități la toate nivelurile EA. Prețuim adaptabilitatea, reziliența, creativitatea și curiozitatea. De la conducerea care îți scoate la în evidență potențialul, până la crearea spațiului pentru învățare și experimentare, noi te abilităm să faci o treabă extraordinară și să urmărești oportunități de dezvoltare.

Adoptăm o abordare holistică cu programul nostru de beneficii, axându-ne pe starea de bine fizică, emoțională, financiară, profesională și comunitară pentru a susține o viață echilibrată, cu concedii plătite și concediu pentru noii părinți, plus jocuri gratuite și multe altele. Cultivăm medii în care echipele noastre pot întotdeauna să dea tot ce au mai bun în activitățile lor.

Electronic Arts este un angajator care oferă oportunități egale. Toate deciziile de angajare sunt luate fără a ține seama de rasă, culoare, origine națională, ascendență, sex, identitate sau exprimare de gen, orientare sexuală, vârstă, informații genetice, religie, dizabilități, stare medicală, sarcină, stare civilă, statut familial, statut de veteran sau orice altă caracteristică protejată prin lege. De asemenea, vom lua în considerare și candidații calificați pentru angajare cu cazier judiciar, în conformitate cu legislația aplicabilă. De asemenea, EA asigură locuri de muncă pentru persoanele cu dizabilități calificate, conform legislației aplicabile.