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Allmän information

Platser: Orlando, Florida, United States of America 
Typ av arbetare
Regular Employee
EA Studios - SPORTS
Flexibelt arbetsarrangemang

Beskrivningar och krav

Electronic Arts skapar underhållning på en högre nivå som inspirerar spelare och fans runt om i världen. Här är alla en del av berättelsen. En del av en community där vi kommunicerar och samarbetar med varandra över hela världen. En plats där kreativiteten frodas, nya perspektiv välkomnas och idéer är viktiga. Ett team där vi tillsammans får spelen att bli levande.

EA SPORTS is looking for the next great Live Service Game Designer. You have a broad knowledge of both core game design and live service system design. You will work directly with creative and technical leadership to work on the content, feature and tools roadmaps.

As a Game Designer, you will work directly on College Football live service features. Reporting to the Design Director, the Game Designer will be responsible for shepherding large features across all aspects of our games live service elements; from Ultimate Team to Online Head to Head. 


  • Design, implement, tune and bug fix entire Live Service features that surprise and delight our players

  • Use the combination of data insights, user research and design intuition to design features that grow the live services of our games

  • Support the creative vision as set by the Creative Director and Product Owner

  • Mentor and educate content designers on upcoming features and how they impact content creation.

  • Establish a depth of knowledge across existing systems, being able to oversee the entire suite of live service features and train/support junior members of the team on them.

  • Determine experience goals for designs, and tune features to meet those goals.

  • Be an active member of the development team using inclusive collaborative frameworks with diverse teams to decide on goals and establish the stories players want to tell within a given release

  • Be resourceful and solve problems using the tools and time/scope available to create unique and fun experiences for players.

  • Collaborate with all team disciplines, including artists, testers, economy, engineers and producers to get support from the team and guide a project from initial design to final production.

  • Become an expert on the game and our community, drawing from our large, varied player base and our past games to make and defend intelligent design choices going forward.

  • Have an eye for establishing and improving processes to make life easier for the Design team.

  • Help establish best practices for the team and lead by example.


  • At least 5 years of game design experience on a video game development team, or the ability to demonstrate equivalent knowledge

  • At least 2 years of real experience in an active live service game. 

  • Demonstrated understanding of Live Service games as an interconnected web of systems that make up the entire player experience - including the ability to predict how changes in one system will affect the entire experience

  • Excellent creative, analytical and organization skills 

  • Demonstrated ability to write and relentlessly maintain detailed design documentation. 

  • In-depth understanding of UI/UX and its relationship to system design

  • Ability to create designer wireframes & mocks to effectively communicate your designs

  • Experience with designing features to target Engagement, Retention or Monetization goals

  • Technical proficiency when directly implementing design content either via scripting or database languages. 

  • Open-minded and collaborative thinking while remaining energetic and motivated to overcome challenges with practical solutions.

  • Champion a design and get the team excited to work on it.

  • Sense of ownership and responsibility combined with experience prioritizing multiple tasks.

  • Effective at working both autonomously and in groups of different profiles.

  • Knowledge of and enthusiasm for gaming: playing, deconstructing and creating.

  • Experience with sports games as a designer or a passionate player. 

Desirable Skills

  • Shipped a AAA HD title.

  • Knowledge or passion for the NFL or College Football

  • Bachelor's Degree or equivalent.

  • Expertise with MS suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Miro, Visio, JIRA, and online collaboration suites such as Confluence.

Om Electronic Arts
Vi är stolta över att ha en omfattande portfolio med spel och upplevelser, att vi finns på så många platser runt om i världen och att det finns så många olika möjligheter på EA. Vi värdesätter anpassningsförmåga, motståndskraft, kreativitet och nyfikenhet. Från ledarskap som tar fram din potential till att skapa utrymme för lärande och experimenterande ger vi dig möjlighet att göra ett bra jobb och växa med oss.

Vi tar ett helhetsgrepp med vårt förmånsprogram och fokuserar på fysiskt, emotionellt, ekonomiskt och karriärmässigt välmående för att stödja ett balanserat liv med betald semester och ledighet för nyblivna föräldrar, plus gratis spel och mycket mer. Vi värnar om miljöer där våra team alltid kan göra sitt allra bästa.

Electronic Arts är en arbetsgivare med lika möjligheter. Alla anställningsbeslut görs utan hänsyn till ras, färg, ursprung, anor, kön, könsidentitet eller -uttryck, sexuell läggning, ålder, genetisk information, religion, funktionsvariationer, sjukdomstillstånd, graviditet, civilstånd, familjestatus, veteranstatus eller annan karakteristik som skyddas av lagen. Vi överväger även anställning av kvalificerade sökande i straffregistret, i enlighet med gällande lagar. EA gör också arbetsplatsen tillgänglig på det sätt som krävs för kvalificerade personer med funktionsvariationer, enligt gällande lagar.