

地点:Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
  • 地点: Montreal
  • 州:
  • 国家/地区: Canada

角色 ID
Regular Employee


Electronic Arts 打造更高层次的娱乐体验,激励世界各地的玩家和粉丝。在这里,每个人都是故事的主角。活跃社群,畅联全球。这里充满创造力,鼓励新观点,注重好创意。这是一支人人都能让游戏成为现实的团队。

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The Engine Systems Performance team is looking for an engineer like you to join our team who has experience understanding technical changes and debugging and diagnosing issues across projects and code branches. Ideally you also enjoy the challenge of diving into a performance issue to discover the root cause and sharing solutions across teams.  You will work with developers across the entire production pipeline, such as engineers, production, designers and artists, to ensure our game and development workflows are performant. 

Your work will have a strong impact on the players experience across multiple projects and activities within the Battlefield franchise. 

Skills & Requirements:

  • 5+ years of programming experience in C++ with a deep understanding of the language, best practices, and architectural considerations.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and a service-oriented mindset.
  • Expertise in concurrency, memory, and performance optimization.
  • Proven experience in developing for multiple devices, including consoles and various hardware requirements.
  • Proficiency in managing large codebases and multi-product development.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead complex, multi-domain investigations to identify and resolve issues.
  • Experience working with game engines such as Unreal, Unity, or Frostbite is preferred.
  • Bonus: Familiarity with multiple profiling tools such as PiX, Superluminal, or Tracy Profiler.


  • Analyze game performance using various systems and tools, identifying and reporting areas of concern.
  • Conduct root cause analysis for performance issues, proposing effective mitigation strategies and solutions.
  • Assist game code and content developers in debugging and optimizing performance bottlenecks found during testing.
  • Review technical design documents to identify potential performance pitfalls and recommend alternative implementations.
  • Identify opportunities to improve testing, tooling or workflows for better triaging, reporting, and analysis of performance issues.
  • Adapt and evolve the current toolset to address new features or problem spaces.

Electronic Arts
我们拥有全面的游戏组合和丰富的体验,在世界各地设有分支机构,而且在整个 EA 提供大量机会。我们非常重视适应能力、韧性、创造力和好奇心。我们提供领导岗位让您发挥潜力,为学习和尝试提供空间,赋能您出色地完成工作并寻求成长的机会。


Electronic Arts 是一个注重机会平等的雇主。在聘用员工时不会考虑其种族、肤色、国籍、血统、生理性别、社会性别、性别认同或表达、性取向、年龄、遗传信息、宗教、身心障碍、医疗状况、怀孕状况、婚姻状况、家庭状况或兵役状况,或任何受法律保护的其他特征。我们也会遵守相关法律,考虑招聘有过犯罪记录的合格应聘者。EA 还会根据适用法律的要求,为合资格的残障人士提供工作场所的便利。